Ontic - Of or Relating to Entities and the Facts about Them

Ontic is an object definition tool. Ontic provides schema definition of object types that are accessible as a class instance or as a dictionary. Ontic also provides the tools to validate and perfect type instances.

To that end Ontic objects can be accessed through attribute access or via dictionary key access. The theory is that most third party libraries, from JSON to NoSql packages, take some form of the dict as input. Attribute access is easier to type when writing code, hence the attribute access. By way of example:

>>> an_object = ontic.ontic_type.OnticType()
>>> an_object['property1'] = 1
>>> assert an_object.property1 == 1
>>> an_object.property2 = 2
>>> assert an_object['property2] == 2
>>> json.dumps(an_object)  # an_object implements dict interface.
  '{"property1": 1, "property2": 2}'

As Ontic objects are designed to be utilized as pure data objects, they implement the python dict interface. So anywhere you can use or pass a dict object, you can pass an Ontic object. Ontic objects can even be initialized like a dictionary, as exampled below:

>>> an_object = ontic.ontic_type.OnticType({'the_property':'the_value'})
>>> assert an_object.the_property = 'the_value'
>>> assert an_object['the_property'] = 'the_value'

In addition Ontic provides schema and validation features to aid in working with data representations. Schemas and corresponding types can be generated at runtime, or types can be defined as classes that derive from the Ontic OnticType. Here’s some quick examples:

Class definition of an Ontic type with schema.
>>> from ontic.ontic_type import OnticType
>>> from ontic_schema_type import SchemaType
>>> class MyType(OnticType):
...   ONTIC_SCHEMA = SchemaType({'the_property':{'required':True}})
>>> my_object = MyType()
>>> ontic.ontic_type.validate_object(my_object)
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    File "ontic/ontic_type.py", line 137, in validate_object
      raise ValidationException(str.join(' \n-- ', value_errors))
  ValidationException: The value for "the_property" is required.
>>> my_object.the_property = 99
>>> ontic.ontic_type.validate_object(my_object)

and dynamic definition of Ontic type with schema.

>>> my_type = ontic.ontic_type.create_ontic_type(
...   'MyType', {'the_property':{'required':True}})
>>> my_object = my_type()
>>> ontic.ontic_type.validate_object(my_object)
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    File "ontic/ontic_type.py", line 137, in validate_object
      raise ValueError(str.join(' \n-- ', value_errors))
  ValidationException: The value for "the_property" is required.
>>> my_object['the_property'] = 'Some value'
>>> ontic.ontic_type.validate_object(my_object)

For full coverage of schema definitions and usage details, see Getting Started with Ontic.

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